famous worldwide trading trading platform

A faster, clearer and smarter way to trade. Seize your opportunities with a cutting-edge platform built around your needs.

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Online trading platform features

Take full control over each trade in just a few clicks, using the range of helpful features in our easy-to-use deal ticket:

  • Get an instant overview of market prices, spread, and margin with our simple, clean design
  • Mitigate risk and protect your profits with our range of stops and limits – including guaranteed stops for watertight protection1
  • Choose your preferred currency to keep conversion charges down.
  • Trade automatically by setting orders to open at your chosen level, then choose their expiry date or close manually
  • Set alerts to trigger when a market moves an amount, hits a price level or meets your technical conditions
  • Find dealing specs in the ‘information’ tab – minimum stop distances and trade sizes, margin factors and more

Try our online trading plaform now

Take our online trading platform for a test-drive – open a free famous worldwide trading demo account. It’s quick and easy, and you’ll get $20,000 virtual funds to practise with.

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Fast, efficient online trading platform

How do we find the best prices

Take full control over each trade in just a few clicks, using the range of helpful features in our easy-to-use deal ticket:

How you get the best price

Markets can move in milliseconds, meaning the price you click to trade on may have changed by the time your order reaches us. However, our order management system will never fill you at a level worse than the one you requested, unless you have instructed us to do so (though your order may be rejected).

Third-party trading platforms

Take greater control over your dealing with built-in access to a range of advanced third-party platforms.


Mobile trading platform

Take our platform wherever you go, with our award-winning mobile trading app.

Learn more


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